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EL 5143 / EE 4153

Multimedia Laboratory  

(Fall 2012)  




Note: We are now cleaning up the obsolete materials and information on this website. The website will get various updates before the class begins and during the first weeks of class. Please keep visiting here to get updated info for your class!

Please keep checking announcement below for new info.

Course Instructor:

Yuanyi Xue

Tel: (718) 260-3556

Email: yxue at (this email will only be used for contacts, for lab reports, go mmlabreports at

Office: Game Innovation Lab

Office Hours : Thurs from 11am-1pm, Tues from 10am-12pm

Open Lab Hours : Weds from 10am-12pm (shared with EL6183 DSP Lab students)

Course Professor:

Prof. Yao Wang

Tel: (718) 260-3469

Fax: (718) 260-3906

Email: yao at poly dot edu

Office: LC136